All retail loans are open so you can pay out the finance contract at any time without penalties.
Freedom of ownership. Unlimited mileage. Just pure driving pleasure.
Each payment goes towards owning your Mazda, allowing you to build equity over time.
After making all the payments for the duration of your financing contract, your Mazda is all yours.
Trading in your Mazda to your preferred retailer creates a great down payment towards your next Mazda.
TRADE-IN ESTIMATORSell your vehicle or keep driving it for years to come – it’s your decision!
Interested in financing your next Mazda? Contact your nearest Mazda Retailer.
FIND A RETAILERIf your contract is dated on or after October 1st, 2024:
Visit the MFS Customer Portal at
Contact MFS at 1-800-665-8844
If your contract is dated before or on September 30th, 2024:
For questions about your Mazda financing, please sign in to your Scotia OnLine account, or call Scotiabank at 1-800-472-6842
If you are unsure about your financial services provider, please contact your retailer.
If you are unsure about your financial services provider, please contact your retailer.
To view the accessibility plans from Mazda Financial Services (MFS) and Toyota Credit Canada Inc. (TCCI), please click here: